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Preparing Your Home for Extreme Weather

man on ladder boarding up windows on a house

If you’ve recently purchased a home, you know all about the stress that comes with the process! In order to maximize the value of your home, you need to be prepared to protect it. No matter where you live, homes can be susceptible to weather damage. You should also be aware of the best way to keep you and your loved ones safe. Whether it is from freezing cold temperatures, thunderstorms, or even tornados - here are a few ways to prepare your home for extreme weather.

First, there are some things you need to know about your property:


Basements and lower-level areas of your home are the safest places to be in a storm. Be sure to have a plan and prepare for where to be in the event of an emergency. Make everyone in the home aware so that when extreme weather occurs, you are ready for it. 


If the weather becomes too severe, there is a chance that you may need to evacuate. If a storm comes, you may not be able to access cell phones or TVs in order to know what local officials recommend doing so go over it beforehand. Know where the safest roads are to travel and how you will get there. 

Elevation Level

In the event of extreme weather, the elevation level of your property will dictate how easily it may or may not flood. Floods are one of the most devastating hazards to your property due to the damage they can cause. While there may not be much you can do to prevent them from happening, knowing the elevation level will help you be better prepared.

How To Prepare Your Home For Extreme Weather


The trees, bushes, and shrubbery around your home can do so much for its value and make the property look stunning but if not properly maintained, they can be disastrous when dealing with extreme weather. Be sure to keep the landscaping well-groomed in order to protect your home.

Be Ready to Board Windows

In the event of extreme weather conditions, windows should be one of your top priorities. Keep materials around the house that can be used to board them in case of an emergency. Storm shutters are the most effective but if those aren’t available, plywood works well too. 

Know How to Spot a Storm Coming

When extreme weather such as a storm hits, chances are you will know about it beforehand. However, this isn't always the case. Knowing what to look for before a storm hits could give you the time you need to prepare and protect your home. Keep an eye out for low-hanging clouds and don’t hesitate to take action if you think a storm may be coming. 

These are just a few of the things you can do to prepare your home for extreme weather. Be sure to stay updated on what is going on around your area and be proactive. Your home is one of your greatest assets so it is important to protect it (you should also know how to keep yourself safe as well). 

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